Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Douglas Macmillan Charity Auction

Peregrine Pottery Charity Donation Teapot

We have decided that we would love to give back to the world so Paul has chosen a  charity organisation, Douglas Macmillan and we have created a 'one off piece' that Douglas Macmillan will be auctioning off in order to raise funds this summer (dates to be confirmed).

The item is one of our teapots that has been hand painted by Joanne herself, the painting is off Buckingham Palace and is in honor of the Queens 60th Coronation Anniversary so it is very special indeed. If you want to know any more information in terms of dates, joining the auction etc then get in touch via their website

If you are interested or support this charity then please ‎feel free to re-blog this and share with the public. The more people that know about this the more potential funds will be raised for this great charity that helped Paul's brother among many others.

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