Behind the Scenes
Being a family business every job we have to do tends to be done by either one or all of the family be it our website, hand producing the ware or even rolling up our sleeves and doing the jobs we hate like bringing in the bags of clay or moulds on the hoist and digging out the troughs. You are invited into the life of Peregrine Pottery although we promise we wont bore you with the through digging haha. We will also invite you into our home kitchen were we will share our recipes and get togethers with our family and friends. Paul is away playing golf with the boys this week having well deserved break so with DIY jobs awaiting and this not being Paul's strongest point I decide to tackle them this week.
Making a shelving unit from a pallet

In the end we happened upon some pallets near our unit that we thought would be an alternative to the traditional dresser shelves.
Armed with a hammer and nails we proceeded to strip wood from one of the pallets and turning another pallet on its side we used the wood to make tops for our soon to be shelves.

One we had our shelves ready we decided that the colours we wanted were Sky Blue and Jet black and as the shelves were rustic we also decided on a matt emulsion. We had to put the fans on as the unit was so hot but with help from Ashleigh we painted our new shelves and as you can see they look pretty good for just the cost of a coat of paint and we had fun in the process. The next thing to do is have a play with displays to see which collections would look lovely on our new shelves.

As you can see the contrast of the black shelving is perfect for making the designs pop so is perfect for our new sheep range and our Equestrian. But for a softer approach take a look at the blue shelving which takes on a nautical look.
Ashleigh thinks it sets of the Sweet Pea too. Anyway we must carry on happy browsing.
Fab idea nothing like getting creative